Gold & Glory! (a D&D Podcast)
Need yet ANOTHER D&D podcast? Look to Gold and Glory! Follow Five Fearless Franchisees and the occasional independent contractor as they develop "business" opportunities in the Saltmarsh test market! A Home Brew Acquisitions' Incorporated D&D campaign by just a bunch of regular folks who wanted to play D&D during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Somethin' a little familiar, yet a lot different...sit back, and enjoy the ride!
108 episodes
Campaign 2 - E3 - Raiders and Recollections (Part A)
Laden with trade goods for their mission south, our Intrepid Interns set sail down the River Erigon to the border outpost of Tor Anwyn, but strange encounters awaits them, in more ways than one…Onwards! To Gold and Glory!
Season 4
Episode 3

Campaign 2 - E2 - Provisions and Pressed Juices (Part B)
Having secured expedited logistics and premium trade goods, our Intrepid interns return to Bumbleberry’s for some well deserved R&R. Trisk attempts to make amendments to the contract. Sage samples a bevvy of bachelors, and Isbor...
Season 4
Episode 3

C2 - E2 - Provisions and Pressed Juices (Part A)
Having bested gladiator mercenaries at the temple of Vedric, our intrepid interns prepare for their trade mission south of the empire, and attempt to secure provisions and transport for their overmountain trek. Sage signs a contract. ...
Season 4
Episode 2

Campaign 2 - E1 - Beginnings and Butter Pastries (Part B)
Having commissioned a trade prototype pipe for smoking halfling weed, our fearless franchisees continue preparing for their trade mission, and set about securing additional funding for their upcoming journey. The team visits the temple...
Season 4
Episode 1

Campaign 2 - E1 - Beginnings and Butter Pastries
Fresh off their first successful heist for corporate adventuring firm Gold and Glory, Inc, our heroes land what promises to be a lucrative new contract for market research and franchise expansion to the Grey Marches, in lands south of the Empir...
Season 4
Episode 1

S3 - E12 - The Siona Starglimmer Show - Part B
Having secured their place as stage hands at the Siona Starglimmer show, our Fearless Franchisees prepare for the upcoming show, hoping to entrap Siona's supposed Doppleganger. Plans are made, traps are laid, and the team is...ready to go...
Season 3
Episode 12

S3 - E12 - The Siona Starglimmer Show - Part A
Our Fearless Franchisees manage to infiltrate the Gold and Glory Soundstage, on the eve of Siona's big show, and put in place the beginning of a plan to try and entrap Siona's supposed Doppleganger, and the so-called Saltmarsh Sirens. Onw...
Season 3
Episode 12

S3 - E11 - Deals, Deceptions, and Divinations - Part B
Siona crashes Selina's emergency board meeting on the Sea Ghost, armed with interesting facts about Dran Enterprises, Timely, and the upcoming Siona Starglimmer concert at the new Gold and Glory Soundstage at the Empty Nest. Helfyx docume...
Season 3
Episode 11

S3 - E11 - Deals, Deceptions, and Divinations - Part A
With her solo infiltration mission into Dran Enterprises gone complete awry, Siona makes a deal with Gold and Glory's corporate arch-nemesis - in exchange for...front row tickets to Siona's upcoming concert at the Empty Nest. Selina has a...
Season 3
Episode 11

S3 - E10 - Special Helfyx Origins One-Shot - The Freelance Assignment - Part B
Freelance agent Helfyx “The Breaker” Moonshadow accepts a lucrative adventuring contract from Dran Enterprises, to investigate strange goings-ons in his old hometown, Moonshadow-on-Haven. Accompanied by subcontractors Enigma and Pi (the Talking...
Season 3
Episode 10

S3 - E10 - Special Helfyx Origins One-Shot - The Freelance Assignment - Part A
Shadow Council! A special retroactive retelling of the adventures of Helfyx, along with some freelance contractors - an origin story...of sorts...and...an obligatory gnomish shortcut....to Mushrooms!?
Season 3
Episode 10

S3 - E9 - Intro The Lion's Den - Part B
Part B of Siona Starglimmer's valiant (or is that Foolhardy) Solo mission to Infiltrate the corporate headquarters of Gold and Glory's dastardly rivals, Dran Enterprises. Does Dran have (gasp!) union troubles?
Season 3
Episode 9

S3 - E9 - Into the Lion's Den - Part A
Desperate to uncover clues that might reveal the whereabouts of the Gnome Artificer Timely, Siona embarks on a risk solo mission into the depths of Dran Enterprise's Corporate Headquarters, and runs into...some stiff opposition! ...
Season 3
Episode 9

S3 E8 - Mirrors, Magic, and Mystery - Part B
With evidence of Infernal contracts with the Shadar Kai, our Fearless Franchisees leave the Imposter Headquarters, but not before laying some well placed booby traps. But suspicious eyes in the sky attempt to follow them…Selina meets some...
Season 3
Episode 8

S3 - E8 - Mirrors, Magic and Mysteries - Part A
The rescue mission is a failure! Theo is whisked away by a mysterious enemy, using a planar shift away from our Fearless Franchisees, who are left to investigate the ongoing mystery - an Underdark Mirror Plane, a Magic infused portal mech...
Season 3
Episode 8

S3 E7 - The Specialist - Part B
Edeth returns from the mirror plane to mount a rescue mission to save Theo from the clutches of a demonic underdark entity. New and enthusiastic on the job, the warforged construct TH3.0 joins the fray, along with Helfyx “The Breaker” Moo...
Season 3
Episode 7

S3 E7 - The Specialist - Part A
Under suspicion from Corporate Headquarters, our Fearless Franchisees find themselves under investigation for...irregularities, including allegations of double dipping, consorting with the enemy, and other alleged operational malfeasance. ...
Season 3
Episode 7

S3 E6 - Intelligence, Infiltration, and Imposters - Part B
Separate and Isolated by their separate quests, the G-Team scrambles to uncover the myriad , but sinister secrets of Saltmarsh. Selina and Beau-Beau further explore the cellars beneath the fake Gold and Glory Headquarters. Siona has...
Season 3
Episode 6

S3 E6 - Intelligence, Infiltration, and Imposters - Part A
In a brave (or foolhardy) three-way party split, our Fearless franchisees begin investigations to uncover secrets and clues that might reveal the whereabouts the gnome artificer Timely Trunort, reveal the Gold and Glory Imposters operating a ra...
Season 3
Episode 6

S3 E5 - Strange Homecomings - Part B
When last we saw our Heroes, Theo and Edeth find themselves transported to a strange and shadowy subterranean realm, only to encounter their old Obviator companion - Kt'Niss Drowb, who Gold and Glory left behind at the Bloodtide Sahuagin Outpos...
Season 3
Episode 5

S3 E5 - Strange Homecomings - Part A
Returned to Saltmarsh, our Fearless Franchisees find themselves beset by some strange homecomings. Siona strikes out on her own, seeking to find clues that might explain the whereabouts of the missing gnome, Timely Trunort. Selina a...
Season 3
Episode 5

S3 E4 - Return to Saltmarsh - Part B
Our Fearless Franchisees receive a hero's welcome in their triumphant return to Saltmarsh. That said, the G-team finds out that in their long absence, the sleepy little town of Saltmarsh has changed…significantly. Beau-beau da hobo ...
Season 3
Episode 4

S3 E4 - Return to Saltmarsh - Part A
Our Fearless Franchisees receive a hero's welcome in their triumphant return to Saltmarsh. That said, the G-team finds out that in their long absence, the sleepy little down of Saltmarsh has definitely begun to wake up...Edeth tries a new...
Season 3
Episode 4

S3 E3 - Trouble Brewing - Part B
Still days away from Saltmarsh, subtle pressures brew within the simmering pot that has become the Sea Ghost. Tensions between our Fearless Franchisees threaten to boil over, upsetting the delicate balance forged to date between our heroe...
Season 3
Episode 3

S3 E3 - Trouble Brewing - Part A
The Sea Ghost and its fearless crew set sail, homeward bound to Saltmarsh! Yet within an oft-stirred pot, trouble is a' brewin, and all things are not smooth on the home front. Theo wakes to an interesting surprise, which becomes th...
Season 3
Episode 3