Gold & Glory! (a D&D Podcast)
Need yet ANOTHER D&D podcast? Look to Gold and Glory! Follow Five Fearless Franchisees and the occasional independent contractor as they develop "business" opportunities in the Saltmarsh test market! A Home Brew Acquisitions' Incorporated D&D campaign by just a bunch of regular folks who wanted to play D&D during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Somethin' a little familiar, yet a lot different...sit back, and enjoy the ride!
Gold & Glory! (a D&D Podcast)
S3 E3 - Trouble Brewing - Part A
Season 3
Episode 3
The Sea Ghost and its fearless crew set sail, homeward bound to Saltmarsh! Yet within an oft-stirred pot, trouble is a' brewin, and all things are not smooth on the home front. Theo wakes to an interesting surprise, which becomes the spark that puts the kettle on the boil, brewing up a heady dose of....discord?