Gold & Glory! (a D&D Podcast)
Need yet ANOTHER D&D podcast? Look to Gold and Glory! Follow Five Fearless Franchisees and the occasional independent contractor as they develop "business" opportunities in the Saltmarsh test market! A Home Brew Acquisitions' Incorporated D&D campaign by just a bunch of regular folks who wanted to play D&D during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Somethin' a little familiar, yet a lot different...sit back, and enjoy the ride!
Gold & Glory! (a D&D Podcast)
Campaign 2 - E1 - Beginnings and Butter Pastries
Season 4
Episode 1
Fresh off their first successful heist for corporate adventuring firm Gold and Glory, Inc, our heroes land what promises to be a lucrative new contract for market research and franchise expansion to the Grey Marches, in lands south of the Empire. The team samples some butter pastries, and commission some new merchandise…the first episode of Campaign 2 - Gold and Glory...Beyond the Pale!