Gold & Glory! (a D&D Podcast)
Need yet ANOTHER D&D podcast? Look to Gold and Glory! Follow Five Fearless Franchisees and the occasional independent contractor as they develop "business" opportunities in the Saltmarsh test market! A Home Brew Acquisitions' Incorporated D&D campaign by just a bunch of regular folks who wanted to play D&D during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Somethin' a little familiar, yet a lot different...sit back, and enjoy the ride!
Gold & Glory! (a D&D Podcast)
S3 - E10 - Special Helfyx Origins One-Shot - The Freelance Assignment - Part B
Season 3
Episode 10
Freelance agent Helfyx “The Breaker” Moonshadow accepts a lucrative adventuring contract from Dran Enterprises, to investigate strange goings-ons in his old hometown, Moonshadow-on-Haven. Accompanied by subcontractors Enigma and Pi (the Talking Cat), our artificer extraordinaire braves a family reunion and peer pressure to inhale psychedelic myconid spores